(Incorporating amendments up to and including the 2021 AGM)

Note: Due to amendments, numbering of sections may differ from earlier versions of these rules. Any discussion of the Rules should refer to the version of Rules current at the time. Versions should be referred to by the year of the AGM at which they came into effect.

Download the 2022 Members Handbook incorporating the NZCCP Rules here

All members of the College agree to practice in accordance with the Code of Ethics.

The College strongly supports the application of one code of ethics for the whole profession within New Zealand. Complaints against members are referred on to the Psychologists Board for investigation. However, all members give permission for the Psychologists Board to pass on information relating to its findings to the College, and the College takes a vital interest in ensuring that its members work professionally within the frame of reference of the Code. The Code of Ethics for Psychologists Working in Aotearoa/New Zealand, 2002, was developed by a Review Group comprising representatives of the NZ College of Clinical Psychologists, the NZ Psychological Society and the NZ Psychologists Board and formally adopted by all three organisations in 2002.

Download the Code of Ethics in English or in Te Reo.

Development of a new Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics : Current Status and Next Steps