ACT & Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD

$620 (Early Bird Rate)
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Integrating ACT and ERP in the treatment of OCD: a 2-day workshop for mental health clinicians.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the most effective treatment for OCD. Integrating ACT enhances ERP therapy by increasing precision and connecting behaviour to client values.

This two-day workshop will cover:- how to use Exposure and Response Prevention in therapy- the inhibitory learning approach to exposure therapy- how ACT can increase engagement and the effectiveness of ERP- how to avoid common pitfalls

This workshop is designed for mental health clinicians of any discipline. Prior knowledge of ACT and ERP is an advantage but not required for this workshop.

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Ben Sedley is New Zealand's only peer-reviewed ACT Trainer. He is a clinical psychologist and co-founder of ACT Wellington. He has been using ACT in his practice for over 15 years, and has been trained and supervised by many of the world’s leading ACT therapists and researchers. Ben has worked at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, in private practice with adults and adolescents, and trained new clinical psychology students at Victoria University of Wellington. Ben wrote Stuff that Sucks: Accepting what you can’t change and committing to what you can which introduces ACT to teenagers and Stuff That’s Loud: A Teen’s Guide to Unspiralling When OCD Gets Noisy (co-authored with Lisa Coyne).