Introductory Workshop in Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP)

880.00 (AUD)
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This is a 3-day workshop for mental health professionals seeking an introduction to the theory and practice of Intensive Short Term Psychotherapy.

This workshop will be taught by Julie Cochrane, Sen Clinical Psychologist.  Julie has practiced ISTDP for over 26 years and teaches in Australia, and internationally including NZ, India, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Maylasia, Turkey and Portugal.

The workshop will cover the basic theory of ISTDP with a specific focus on the skills required to begin implementing ISTDP in your therapeutic work. In addition to didactic lectures, you will watch videotapes that illustrate the specific theory and techniques that you are learning and participate in skill building exercises to practice these techniques.

This workshop is designed for mental health practitioners who would like more understanding of the skills and techniques involved in the practice of ISTDP as a precursor to beginning a three-year Core Training in ISTDP.  Also for those practitioners who want exposure to the method before committing to a three year training.

Times are as follows (in Melbourne Times)

Day 1: 11am-7pm

Day 2: 10am-6pm

Day 3: 8am-4pm


Attendance capacity is 20 in person and 10 on line via zoom.

Cost AUD $880.00

To register, or for more detailed information on what the course covers and any other enquires please e-mail Ruby at

The ISTDP Centre 29 &33 Drummond Street Carlton 3053

P.O. Box 258 Carlton South VIC 3053