The 2025 conference will explore the position of the young person within a confusing and disparate web of intervening agencies. In particular, we will focus on how we can simplify, clarify, and enhance the relationships between young people, their whānau (family), and the various agencies involved. Our goal is to ensure that these interactions are not only responsive to the unique needs of each young person but also transparent and safe for everyone involved. We will also explore how agencies, with the support of the community, can improve their efforts to assist at-risk youth because this is a group that requires high-intensity and bespoke support if we are to achieve a coherent outcome for them, their families and ultimately for our communities.We are committed to transforming these critical interactions and improving outcomes for young people at risk.
All conference pricing is in New Zealand dollars (NZD) and include Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Registration categories & fees
RANZCP Fellow/Affiliate: $835.00
Non-RANZCP Fellow/psychiatrist/ medical and legal practitioners: $950.00
RANZCP Trainee/nurse/allied health/ registrar/NGO: $635.00
University student (medicine/psychology, law): $475.00
Retired Fellow: $725.00