Level 1 1 Shakespeare Road Napier 4110
Craig is a registered Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist who can provide a range of evidence-based treatment to adult and adolescent clients. Experience enables Craig to take an integrated approach meaning he can draw from a range of therapy modalities including Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) Schema Therapy Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) among others. Craig’s passion is to continually develop his assessment and therapy skills and adjust his therapy style to meet individual client needs. In order to achieve this Craig endeavours to work alongside clients to discover their unique strengths and integrate therapy techniques to help them move toward their goals. Clients will find Craig’s therapeutic approach to be collaborative and warm while maintaining focus on helping clients accomplish their goals. Craig was first registered in 2011 since then he has worked in a diverse range of client fields including Department of Corrections Pervasive Developmental Disorders (such as Autistic Spectrum Disorders) and District Health Boards (primary working with children adolescents and family’s) and Private Practice. While working for the Southern District Health Board (SDHB) Craig was a member of the SDHB Autistic Spectrum Advisory Panel and SDHB Personality Disorders Interest Group. As a result Craig is competent in working with child adolescent and adult populations and has developed vast experience in the assessment and providing therapy for a wide variety of clinical presentations such as developmental disorders depression anxiety severe trauma and personality disorders. Craig is also a registered provider for many ACC claims including Sensitive Claims. Craig is further able to provide professional and clinical supervision. Membership to Professional Colleges/ Boards Member of New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists (MNZCCP) Member of New Zealand Special Interest Group for Neuropsychology (NZSIGN)