
243 Trafalgar Street, Nelson 7010


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Dan Goodkind is a registered clinical and neuropsychologist. He is affiliated with Resolution Clinic in Nelson. Dr. Goodkind is a member of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychology. ​ Dan has expertise in the provision of short-term treatments for anxiety and depression and longer-term psychotherapy for emotional trauma and relational problems. He also provides psychological and neuropsychological evaluations. Dan is a psychology and neuropsychology services provider for ACC. ​ Dan immigrated to New Plymouth New Zealand in 2009. He worked for the Taranaki District Health Board between 2009 - 2013. His time there was divided between the Adult Hospital Service the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and the Department of Paediatrics. He has been in private practice since 2013. Dan moved to Nelson in 2024. ​ Dan lived and worked in Northeastern Utah between 1997 - 2009. In 2000 he founded the Ashley Family Clinic a small mental health clinic that made psychological services available to child protection and youth corrections agencies and the District Court as well as approximately 50 000 residents of the rural region. Dr. Goodkind was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology for the University of Utah between 2001 - 2009.

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