
P O Box 22, Feilding New Zealand, 4740


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Elton Bloye (Neuropsychologist) began his practice in neuropsychology at the Sterkfontein Forensic Neuroscience Unit South Africa conducting medico-legal assessments for criminal litigation purposes. He also worked in a post-acute in-patient neurorehabilitation environment with Life Riverfield Lodge for 2 years and continued to offer supervision to psychologists working in this field from 2011 to 2017. Following this Elton spent 10 years running a private neuropsychology and medicolegal practice in Johannesburg. Work was completed for Personal Injury Road Accident Fund Medical negligence and Insurance related purposes. He was a consultant clinician for ImPACT SA and ProSt Sports Concussion Management programs for nearly 10 years. Elton was a Guest Lecturer at the University of Johannesburg for 2 years lecturing on aspects of neuropsychological assessment. He was on the Executive Committee of the South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association (SACNA) from 2012 to 2018 where he served as President for 2 years. In 2018 he emigrated to NZ and worked on a number of ACC contracts before being employed as National Manager of Psychology with Proactive Rehab. Currently Elton is Clinical Director and Neuropsychologist for CenPsyX Ltd conducting neuropsychological assessments in a wide range of contexts across central North Island. He still works with Proactive Rehab in the ACC concussion management service and is Lead Psychologist for Proactives sports concussion management initiatives. He is a key consultant for NZ Thoroughbred Racing\s Concussion Management Program

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