Well and Good Health, 1 Grove Road, Mayfield
Hannah specializes in assessment and treatment of adults living with problems such as pain trauma anxiety PTSD depression sleep difficulties adjustment to life changes sexuality illness relationship difficulties sexual abuse and other problems. Hannah is a clinical psychologist with extensive experience in all aspects of the clinical psychology. She specializes in the effects of pain in particular women’s health and management of endometriosis and trauma and is an ACC contract provider for sensitive claims assessment and treatment pain and mental injury due to physical injury among others. She works alongside clients and their families who are experiencing difficulties related specifically to health and well being anxiety depression stress earthquake distress trauma chronic pain relationships sexuality gender diversity sexual abuse fertility endometriosis adjustment to injury and life role changes. Her approach is centered on the overall well-being of the individual as well as the impact on partners and the wider family system. Specifically Hannah’s background clinical training encompasses all aspects of general mental health. She works in a collective group of allied health professionals as well as a close network of medical specialists nurses midwives physiotherapists and general practitioners.