Evidence and Wisdom: The Role and Value of Psychologists in Healthcare
Malcolm Stewart, John Bushnell, Jennifer Hauraki and Margaret Roberts
Assessment of Panic in Panic Control Treatment, a Manualised CBT Format for Treating Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia, Dr Nicole Pray
The earliest of interventions – bootie camp vs boot camp, Melanie Woodfield
A review of the literature on Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) as part of best practice recommendations for Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Roger Shave
Back to Beck: Implications for Creative CBT in Practice and Training, Jenny Wilson

An Introduction to Psychodrama for CBT Practitioners, Jenny Wilson
Cognitive therapy and schema therapy in depression
Jennifer Jordan, Jenny Wilson, Janet Carter & Virginia McIntosh
The impact of attachment insecurity on emotion regulation, Sarah McNeil
Conference report: Health of the health professional conference: Auckland 3-5 November 2011. Malcolm Stewart and Jo Soldan
Treating adolescent depression: providing a sense of hope, Roni Alder
Attachment problems with post-natal depression, Melissa Ryan.
Problems with toilet training and bed-wetting (nocturnal enuresis), Roni Alder.
Adult ADHD in private practice,. Annemette Sorensen
A cognitive behavioural intervention for panic disorder when comorbid with schizophrenia, Debra A. Hayes.
Adapting CBT for ADHD, Julia Rucklidge.
Marital therapy and ADHD: Useful information for clinicians, Bernadette Berry
Managing aggression and non-compliance in child care centres, Charles Swart
Talking therapies and the stepped care model, Tina Earl
Parenting practices and callous-unemotional traits in children, Sarah Head
Motivating offenders to attend (and benefit from) rehabilitative programmes: The development of the Short Motivational Programme within New Zealand’s Department of Corrections, Rob Devereux
Rehabilitating high-risk offenders: Pre-treatment motivation, therapeutic responsivity, and change, Devon L. L. Polaschek
Night eating syndrome: Description, comorbidity, and treatment, Petra Hoggarth
Talking Therapies in Times of Change, Tina Earl, Erica Hodgson, Andrew Bunting and Jackie Feather
The Importance of Being Empathic, Jayde Walker
Cognitive Conceptualisation of Procrastination. A Review of the Literature, Proposed Model and Suggestions for Treatment, Fiona Mathieson
Cognitive appraisal model of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): Recent advances, Emily Marie McHugh O'Leary
I just can’t stop thinking about it! Rumination, avoidance and depression, Kumari Fernando & Janet Carter
Celebrating the ordinary and the heroism of coping: Supportive psychotherapy with people with intellectual disability, Caroline Mohr
Introduction to Cognitive Analytic Therapy: A case example, Dr Marisol Cavieres
Appetite Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Binge Eating, Virginia McIntosh, Janet Carter, Janet Latner & Alison Wallace
Cognitive therapy and schema therapy in depression, Jennifer Jordan, Jennifer Wilson, Janet Carter & Virginia McIntosh
Schema-focused cognitive behaviour therapy with the eating disorders: A brief overview, Rachel Lawson & Glenn Waller
Therapy across cultures: A Clinical Round Table discussion about working with people from cultures other than your own, Clive Banks, Chaykham Choummanivong, Jennifer Hauraki,Nik Kazantzis, Malcolm Stewart, Pauline Taufa, & Samson Tse.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in New Zealand, Mike Batcheler
Transference, countertransference and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Claire Cartwright
Special Edition of Clinical Psychology Forum - Autism: Clinical Psychology Forum 185 – May 2008
Clinical Psychology Forum, Special Edition: Clinical psychology getting lost. Clinical Psychology Forum 217 – January 2011
Finding Clinical Psychology (again) 2010. Mowbray Occasional Paper Vol. 3 No 6
Management Advisory Service to the NHS: Review of Clinical Psychology Services, May 1989
Perceptions, Skills, and Knowledge of Sleep-Related Difficulties and Their Treatment in a Cancer Psychosocial Workforce