The College now offers a range of awards and grants as follows:
The NZCCP Emerging Leaders Development Grant, of up to $6,000, is offered annually to a Full member or members of the College to assist to them to conduct research and/or participate in an educational opportunity/skills training on the topic of leadership. The purpose of the grant is to enhance leadership capabilities of NZCCP members by supporting further education and/or research in the field of clinical leadership.
The NZCCP Research/Study Award, of up to $8,000, is offered annually to a Full or Associate member of the College to assist to them to undertake travel or a similar specific activity to further their education or interest in a clinical or research activity related to clinical psychology.
NZCCP Travel Grant. Up to four NZCCP Travel Grants of up to $1,400 are provided annually to Full or Associate members of the College to assist them to travel to and attend a continuing education opportunity (such as a Conference, Workshop, or substantial organised site visit) either in New Zealand or overseas.
The President's Award, of up to $2,000, is offered annually to a Student member of the College who is recognised as performing well in their training and as likely to make a positive contribution to Clinical Psychology in the future. The purpose of this award is to assist the student member to undertake the development of their knowledge and skills in Clinical Psychology and its application.
The Cyclone Gabrielle Grant: In recognition that the aftermath of the cyclone Gabrielle has created ongoing difficulties for psychologists in the affected areas, possibly including more difficulty than usual with funding continuing educational activities, a special grant has been established by the NZCCP National Office for a period of 2 years (2023-2024). The grant is offering 5 x $500 subsidies for NZCCP members (of any category) currently living and working in areas that have been affected by the cyclone Gabrielle. The purpose of the grant is to support NZCCP members who have been affected by cyclone Gabrielle to attend Continuing Educational activities relevant to their profession.
The grant has a total value of $2500 per annum and is distributed as 5 grants of $500 each per year.
For more information go to the links above to download the criteria and application forms for each of these awards.